167 research outputs found

    Development of Bulgarian agriculture within the CAP in the EU 2007-2020 in the context of the green deal, farms and employed people, relative to location index for rural areas of the South Central Region

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    Agriculture occupies a basic place in the economy of Bulgaria. A key sector on which a large part of production in the country is based, regardless of the political or socio-economic processes taking place during different time periods. The purpose of the scientific development is to present the development of the Gross value added (GVA) of agriculture in Bulgaria for the period 2007-2020, base prices, subsidies for production and agricultural labor in annual work units (AWU). The research includes the application of methodology and analysis of the Location Index (IL) of agricultural holdings and employed persons in the rural areas of the South Central Region (SCR) for the specified period, as well as the influence of the “green deal” as a socio-economic factor. Makes a comparative analysis of the employed persons, in relation to the region and the country during the research period

    Predictors for outcome after surgery for traumatic acute subdural hematoma

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    Introduction: Acute traumatic subdural hematoma (ASDH) is one of the most frequent conditions in neurosurgery demanding emergency surgery. The aim of the study was to identify factors influencing outcome in patients who had surgery for evacuation of ASDH.Methods: From 2005 to 2012 eighty-five patients at age above 18 years had surgery for evacuation of ASDH. Outcome was measured according GOS at discharge and was dichotomized as “favorable outcome” (GOS 4 to 5) and “unfavorable outcome” (GOS 1 to 3). These factors were evaluated with univariate and logistic regression analysis for significance with outcome.Results: The mean age of the 85 patients was 62.7 years (SD±18.5). 45.9% patients were with favorable outcome and 54.1% had unfavorable outcome. Patients with GCS score 3-8 (54.1%) had 80.4% unfavorable outcome whereas 78.6% of patients with GCS score 13-15 (32.9%) had favorable outcome. All patients with nonreactive pupils (bilaterally or unilaterally -31.8%) had unfavorable outcome whereas patients (36.5%) with both reactive pupils (36.5%) had in 80.6% favorable outcome. All patients (40%) with Rotterdam CT scores 5 and 6 had unfavorable outcome. The factors determining outcome were admission GSC score, Rotterdam CT scores, and prothrombin time.Conclusion: Patients who have GSC score of 3, unresponsive pupil(s) or have Rotterdam CT scores 5 and 6 have little chance of survival. Patients with coagulopathy have two times more unfavorable outcome. The patients with ASDH should have surgery as soon as possible after correction of vital parameters in order to avoid deterioration which can be very rapid and irreversible

    Characterisation of ground thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour for shallow geothermal energy applications

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    Increasing use of the ground as a thermal reservoir is expected in the near future. Shallow geothermal energy (SGE) systems have proved to be sustainable alternative solutions for buildings and infrastructure conditioning in many areas across the globe in the past decades. Recently novel solutions, including energy geostructures, where SGE systems are coupled with foundation heat exchangers, have also been developed. The performance of these systems is dependent on a series of factors, among which the thermal properties of the soil play one of major roles. The purpose of this paper is to present, in an integrated manner, the main methods and procedures to assess ground thermal properties for SGE systems and to carry out a critical review of the methods. In particular, laboratory testing through either steady-state or transient methods are discussed and a new synthesis comparing results for different techniques is presented. In-situ testing including all variations of the thermal response test is presented in detail, including a first comparison between new and traditional approaches. The issue of different scales between laboratory and in-situ measurements is then analysed in detail. Finally, thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of soil is introduced and discussed. These coupled processes are important for confirming the structural integrity of energy geostructures, but routine methods for parameter determination are still lacking

    stairs and fire

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    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Bulgarian Agriculture in EU – Opportunities for Development and Restrictions

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    In the article opportunities and challenges are examined faced by Bulgarian agriculture after the integration into the EU, related to the general membership conditions and the expected CAP development; on this ground conclusions are made for the agricultural country policy in the period immediately before and after the membership date. Long-term and middle-term aspects of agricultural development are examined in view of the globalization processes of the world economy, prognostics for the demand for food products for a 30-years period and the European model of agriculture in construction.

    Bulgarian Agriculture in the EU - Development Opportunities and Limitations

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    Opportunities and challenges to Bulgarian agriculture after the EU accession, resulting from the common terms of membership and expected development of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), are examined. Conclusions are made on this basis conerning the agricultural policy in Bulgaria immediately before and after the membership date. Long- and medium-term aspects of agricultural development are analysed from the point of view of globalisation processes of the world economy, forecasts about the demand for food products for a 30-year period and the developing model of European agriculture.

    Labour market and employment sources in rural areas of Bulgaria

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    The theory of path dependency reveals that in the territories, where the population is characterized with worsened structure, the infrastructure is affected by underdeveloped problems and the amenities are not enough evinced, it is difficult to expect designation of activities, creating new employment. The appearance of innovative and knowledge basedjob in the rural areas is very hard challenge because the prepositions providing and creating them are missing. The lack of appropriate infrastructure, the demographic problems and the affected pattern of working force in the rural areas in terms of education, qualification and abilities deprive the reliance on the endogenous resources to create new employment directions. It is found that significant resources for successful development of the rural parts are available in the realm of natural and cultural capital. The main challenge is to make a mechanism, which will utilize the natural and cultural capital of the rural areas, hence will mobilize local people and will create a new and more jobs. This is the only way to shape regional identity, bring a change in the life of people from these areas, and form stabile balance between urban and rural poles


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    В настоящото изследване авторите аргументират необходимостта от ускорено въвеждане на електронна търговия в малките и средни предприятия (МСП). Въз основа на данните от проведени проучвания се прави анализ на съ- ществуващото състояние в областта на използването на ИКТ и Интернет в МСП. Разработени са основните рамки и вариантите на системата за онлайн търговия в този сектор. Очертани са методическите основи за създаване на Web сайт на предприятието като базов компонент на системата за електронна търговия. Представена е стратегия за използване на възможностите на Интернет в бизнеса на малки и средни фирми. Предложен е примерен бизнес план за изграждане на Web сайт с кратко описание на основните задачи, които трябва да се решат. Направен е сравнителен анализ на два от подходите за изграждане на корпоративен Web сайт и са представени няколко важни съображения при практическия избор на вариант. Изследват се най-съществените проблеми, при практическото изграждане на сай- та – проектиране съдържанието на сайта, оформянето на началната страница, промоцията и маркетинга на сайта, основните статии на разходите и мястото на сайта в корпоративната инфраструктура. Предложен е примерен бизнес план за изграждане на Интернет магазин на малко и средно предприятие с отчитане на основните видове разходи и възможностите за ефективност на проекта. In this study the authors argue the need for rapid adopt of e-commerce in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Based on data from studies, the current state of the use of ICT and Internet in SMEs is analyzed. Fundamental frameworks and variants of the online commerce system in this sector are developed. Methodological foundations for creating a Web site of the enterprise as a basic component of e-commerce system are described. A strategy for use of the possibilities of the Internet in the business of small and medium businesses is presented. A model business plan for building a Web site with a brief description of the main tasks that must be solved is suggested. A comparative analysis of two approaches to building corporate Web site is made, and several important practical considerations in choosing a variant are presented. The most important problems in the practical building of the site are explored - the design of the site content, the model of the homepage, the promotion and marketing of the site, the main cost items and the place of the site in the corporate infrastructure. An exemplary business plan for building an Internet store of a small and medium enterprise, taking into account the main types of costs and the possibilities of effectiveness of the project, is proposed